Wednesday, March 29, 2006

me three weeks after delivery

It's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. Not much relaxing done for the past 2 weeks. In fact, i've been too busy and too occupied to pamper and take care of myself. lying down on the bed with baby next to me and catching up with sleep whenever she sleeps...that's no longer possible when i have Nazim tagging along with me all day long. Most people cringe when they hear me driving the car here and there just weeks after giving birth. What they don't know is I started driving after the 3rd day!! Ok, maybe that was a bit too much, but the baby was in the hospital because of jaundice, and i had to breastfeed and i felt fine, so i just took my keys and drove.

And now, after three weeks, i feel even more fine, and still people cringe at the idea of me going out and about. They make me scared with all these things that will happen to me...if i don't "jaga-jaga"..that's the typical word used among these ladies. I mean, what am i to do? Just sit and lie down on the bed and not move an inch? No wayyy...not with a very very active 2-year-old around. A lot of people say i might suffer from back aches and joint pains when i'm older for not taking care of myself better (by that they mean no going out lah) Is that really true? I mean i feel quite healthy now and on some days i feel tired..but don't we all? and i thought if i do get back aches and joint pains when i'm older (most old people suffer from this anyway) there would be medicines to take later on..hehehe...Of course, i don't totally denouce the whole pantang thingy...i still wear the bengkung (this one is a practical advise to stick to, as it keeps my back and posture straight, and it also helps to put that bulging tummy in) so, i'm quite religious at wearing this for at least 6 hours a day, but not to sleep,'s too tight and i need my space..The socks...hmm..given that up on the 2nd i'll just wear my slippers in the house..Cold drinks...hmmm...was very very thirsty in the first week, so helped myself to several glasses of good old iced lemon tea...but now, trying to limit the cold stuff as i just found out that it really makes you bloat..

Hmmm..what else...i had my urut sessions for 6 days in a row..i think i'll pop by Amcorp this weekend to get another massage..The baby is doing fine, alhamdulillah, and is quite easy to look after. Being a second-timer, i can say that i feel more confident handling a baby and all that came with it (bathing, feeding, burping, etc.) and this time around, i am more disciplined, in the sense i don't rock her to sleep, like i did with nazim, and feeding time is more regimented, giving both her and me a good long (well, maybe not thattt long) rest at night.

Monday, March 13, 2006

my princess is finally here!

Alhamdulillah, my baby princess made her way out to the world at 7.08 a.m. on Wednesday, 8th of March, sharing the same birthdate as my father....and here she is just hours after she was born:

and this is her on the next day:

She weighs 3.3 kg at birth and didn't give her mommy too much trouble coming out. This time around the labor was sure much shorter than the first one. I started to have contractions at home just as I was about to sleep around 12...and by 1.30 a.m., i woke hubby up and told him that it's happening pretty soon. At 2 a.m. i was checked by the midwife and she said i was already at 3 cm. By 3 a.m, the contractions were more regular and stronger but i was still able to sit and talk to hubby...then later i decided to lie down in the labor room to get some rest. This went on till about 6 a.m....and all this while i was having the contractions, i managed to stay focus by doing the breathing technique!! I thought that this time around, i didn't wanna use the antenox (the laughing gas) to relieve the pain. i even had thoughts of taking the epidural before this, but seeing how well i was coping with just the breathing method, i decided to just go au naturale....(ok lah, the nurse gave me pethadine, but i swear that didn't work at all!). so there i was, breathing noisily (like he he he hooh) every 2 minutes, waiting for the right time to come to push. when the doctor came in, he told me to push anytime i felt the urge to do so.

oddly, my contractions were not as strong anymore and i even managed to doze off for a like half a minute. so they put me on drips to get my contractions going stronger and at around 6.45 a.m. onwards, i started my pushing regime. throughout this time, the nurse turned on the radio and in the background i could hear the sound of a person reciting the Quran as it was suboh time. And in my mind i thought, this birth is going to be special as she will be arriving around suboh. I pushed..with my hands gripping my thighs tight and trying to do the crunch to move the baby out. During my first delivery, i don't remember having to do this much work..maybe because the nurses helped me more since they knew it was my first baby then. but this time, i have to say, i had to do quite a bit of work. the other people in the room (doctor, nurses and hubby) only helped by yelling out "push...push..and come on..sikit more push" oh gosh....every time they said one more push, i felt like i just can't take it anymore. and when it really was "one more push" i honestly didn't have anymore energy in me. my back hurt so bad that i was at a point of giving up and then the doctor said NO!! push again!! so finally, with one deep breath and one more BIG push (even the nurse pressed her hands on my tummy to help the baby out), and one painful episiotomy, i could feel the baby making its way out and as soon as she did, i couldn't feel more relieved. he put my baby on my tummy and let me hold her for a few seconds before the could clean her up. at that point, no more pain, just sleepy, and completely exhausted...but i wasn't really in deep sleep yet as i haven't heard my baby i was a little worried which made me stay awake for a little while...and then finally, i heard a loud scream from across the labor room and i asked the nurse is that my baby crying. and when she said yes, i could finally fall asleep in least that's what i thought!!! duh...i have to be stiched up first before i could finally rest. so there i was going through another ordeal, and this time, is just as painful. and this time, since i was already too tired and sleepy, i opted for the laughing gas to keep me from yelling aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...

i was pushed back to my ward around 8 a.m. and fell asleep for only a very short while before i woke up again at 9.30 a.m....feeling slightly giddy.

today is day 5 post delivery. i'm slowly regaining my energy and wounds are healing well, alhamdulillah. baby A'isha is having slight jaundice, but inshaAllah, will get better soon. i have yet to experience my new life as a mother of two when my baby comes back home from the hospital. suffice to say that my confinement period this time isn't as relaxing as the last one. can't wait to see what my new routine will be like. :)

Monday, March 06, 2006

still no sign

this baby is definitely a girly-girl. she's takin her own sweet time to come out...mommy's feet are swollen and just longing for a good massage. hopefully in a couple of days.

Friday, March 03, 2006

dude where's my car?

feeling very pissed off with a certain Ce**om branch manager and its staff, i dashed out of the branch walking towards my car. i pressed the the remote and heard it unlocked my car. so i grabbed the door handle to open the door but it didn't! aik?! i know i parked it in front of this indonesian restaurant because i remember seeing someone having a nice cup of teh tarik when i first parked the car and i had wanted to have a nice cup of teh tarik myself after that (sempat lagi plan nak minum lepas tu). then i looked is where i parked my car lah!!! but why can't i open the damn door?! i walked around the car and then up and down a few cars next to it...and realized....i tried to open the wrong car....ooops...heheheh..i tried not to look at the people having breakfast outside of the indonesian restaurant because i know they must've seen the whole when i get into my car all i could say was..."aaaaaaaa malunyaaaaa"

the thing is, the only thing that drew me to that car was because it was the same color as my car and not even the same make!!