Monday, February 11, 2008

i'm so bloody pissed off with the weird way the pc sometimes behaves. i was working on a paper for about an hour (just as i finished my earlier post and getting all rajin, only to be bogged down again..with this stupid virus maybe..) when there it was, a window just popped out of nowhere telling me that i can't save my document and then followed by a bunch of other annoying error windows which finally left me with my jaws almost touching the floor..and before i knew it, my work has been saved under "rescued document" in text format. and when i try to open this file, i'm just even more annoyed by the string of ???????????????????? replacing the beautifully constructed sentences which i've poured my sweat for the past hour. WTF?!!! ok, anyone please help me retrieve this file or witness me go crazy....because i think i will lose my edge if i don't get anything done soon!!!! HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!!

meet me, the procrastinator

what is with me...i'm feeling so blrgghh at the moment..why can't i concentrate with what i intended to do earlier during the day? is it because i am experiencing a rather low morale a.k.a unmotivated...during the day, i would be all pyched up to get things all in order and done with, but as the day passes by, i'm moving at around 30km/hr which is really pathetic..gosh what's happening to me?? there's just no desire for me to get work done..FAST!!!! i also have the internet to partly blame for my sluggishness.

anyhow, i am going to do something about it...starting from hahahah..tonight? i'll try...perhaps tomorrow..what's slowing me down? maybe the fact that i am playing the guessing game..of my fate...of where i'll be by the end of this year...this wait is a bugging factor that's making me all procrastinat-ish....but i shouldn't be like this...i have to prove that each day that's why i'm going to start (yeah keep on emphasizing that and i'll still not start anywhere)

ok...i do have a list of things to do..i just have to put them in the right order, and avoid to try and do ALL at once..first on the list: start writing that freaking article i've been meaning to write for that particular conference i'm yearning to go!!!! i think i'll just leave it at that..and then think about the other things in my list...

ohhh on another baby boy (not so baby anymore) will be 4 in a couple of days..and i've just baked a cake for him to bring to school...and the God...i never knew i could bake so well.. hihihi...good night folks...i'm trying to make something outta myself now...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I've been tagged...

The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

List eight (8) random facts about myself:
Ok before i start, I'm not sure if the content of the following 8 facts about me should be kept at a PG13 rating or i guess i'll just write whatever pops into mind!!! ;)
1. i have a thing for green things...most of the things i buy would be in green. except i have yet to own a pair of green bra! haha that would be a first.

2. my teeth seriously needs BrightSmile treatment...this is what u get from being a coffee addict..all those stains need more than just regular brushing..

3.'s about my teeth...i've been wanting to wear braces since forever but kept getting denied by the orthodontists who claimed that my teeth are perfectly fine where they are and should not be subjected to any tampering or the like. i guess i have also pretty much gave up that idea since i'm already in my 30s...and don't think my teeth will move around too much from now on...

4. my vision is much for having perfect vision in my younger days..nowadays, i'm squinting my eyes when i've done a tad too much reading..and also whilst driving at night..*sigh*...getting old

5. i had my appendix removed when i was 10. left a tiny little scar..

6. i once shaved my head like GI Jane...just for kicks..ironically, it was during that hedious hairstyle period that my husband (my bf then) asked me to be his gf...

7. i've never taken contraceptive pills....ever...

8. I've always wanted to be a dancer...