Monday, May 07, 2007

the 12 Layer tag...

rather than grading my students' finals, i think i'd have more fun doing this here goes!

Layer One : On The Outside
Name : Leo Mommy
Birth Date : 16th August 1977
Current Status : Married with a pair of kiddos
Eye Colour : Brown
Hair Colour : Black with streaks of brown from the last dye..
Righty or Lefty : Righty

Layer Two : On The Inside
Your Heritage : Malay/Indon (everyone in malaysia would have this heritage, somehow or rather)
Your Fear : not bringing up my kids the ideal way, the way granted by Islam..
Your Weakness : a delectable piece of cake..or kuih..
Your Perfect Pizza : New York Pizza - just a thin slice of nothing but tomato and cheese topping
Your Thoughts First Thing When You Wake Up : can i sleep just a little bit more..
Your Bedtime : ranges from 930 when i'm dead tired to past twelve when i've had a bit of caffeine
Your Most Missed Memory : starting my life in the US at the age of 17 and a half..that was some of the best times i've had in my life..

Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : quite indifferent about it..
McDonald's or Burger King : Burger King, but since it's further than McDs from where i live, McDs will do..
Single or Group Dates : Single
Adidas or Nike : don't really care
Tea or Nestea : Nestea i guess
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolat sil vous plait..
Cappucino or Coffee : Plain old coffee with cream and sugah pleasee

Layer Five : Do You ...
Smoke : Nope
Curse : sure...but only the kiddy type ones in public..the hard core ones are reserved only to my own ears...
Take a Shower : of course..
Have a Crush : nope
Think You've Been In Love : it's what got me to where i am now - married with yeah, i've been in lurve alright..
Go To School : will go again soon, with Allah's will
Want To Get Married : errr..already done that..
Believe In Yourself : that's the thing with me..sometimes i just need someone to tell me that i can do it...
Think You're a Health Freak : i wish i was...but i do get the urge to stay healthy once in a while..

Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank Alcohol : nope
Gone To The Mall : that's pretty much our routine here in Melaka...
Been On Stage : No..and i don't plan to..i don't really like being in the limelight...
Eaten Sushi : how can i not have?! it's one of my favs!
Dyed Your Hair : Yes..last was in Dec...

Layer Seven : Have You Ever ...
Played A Stripping Game : No
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Hmm..eons ago..

Layer Eight :
AgeYou're Hoping To Get Married : n/a

Layer Nine : In A Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour : I guess i like the asian/oriental brown or black..
Best Hair Colour : still the oriental Black
Short Hair or Long Hair : short, clean cut..for girl, long brown hair with lots of locks

Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : Doing this tag
1 Hour Ago : putting my son to sleep
4.5 Hours Ago :Eating a plate of mee with lala which i made front of tv
1 Month Ago : nothing spectacular..that's why i can't remember it..
1 Year Ago : haha..had to check back with my old postings..i was in s'pore zoo..

Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
I Love : to wake up and see both my kids and hubby in the room..
I Feel : absolutely lost when kids are not around the life suddenly feels very empty..(just had that feeling couple of days ago when nazim was admitted in the hospital and aishah teman him there..)
I Hate : spiral parking me the creeps
I Hide : things from my kids coz i don't want them to spoil them or eat them
I Need : to do something with my nose from getting nose block all the time!!

Layer Twelve: Tag other people..

This one's up for grabs! haha anyone who feels like unlayering themselves, peel away!


Blogger Leilanie said...

doing tags are more fun than marking final papers.

hee hee hee.......
with a red pen in between my fingers, I'm posting comments and bloghopping, too.


4:25 PM  
Blogger DebtSurvivor said...

Thank u for doing the tag :)

5:43 PM  
Blogger Nana said...

OMG! Fara.

Hop punya hop, skali terhop to your blog.

Saw your hubby's pic and baru lah terperasan I'm at my 2nd cousin's blog.


Small world eh?

p/s : eh, u pon leo ek? i never knew we were born 3 days apart.

4:04 PM  

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