Wednesday, April 04, 2007

cockroaches taking over my car!

why are there freaking cockroaches in my bloody car??!!! i've come across tiny probably still baby cockroaches scurrying across the dashboard, the handbreak, and the wheel of my car WHILE driving and it is really driving me nuts! i'll be attempted to squash those little maniacs WHILE driving and it's not an advisable thing to do, i know..but it's just so bloody irritating. so i'm determined to find the source of this infestation in my car by first spraying almost half the can of Ridsect's Cockroach Kill...i'm expecting to see a whole lot of dead cockroaches tomorrow morning. hopefully it even managed to destroy the palace of the king cockroach. in my mind, i keep picturing there is like a sarang or something under the seats which i have not dared to search for..

so WHERE in the world do the cockroaches come from? i'm guessing from the traces of kids' milk which they so often deliberately or not deliberately spill/squirt while in the car. i really have to get to the bottom of this. the feeling of driving a car with cockroaches just running across your fingers at any moment is really not a comforting one.


Blogger My So-Called Life said...

ewww...I so hate cockroaches! I can't stand to be near them let alone having them run amok in my car!

I guess this comes with the Mommy territory and when kids start spilling and eating in the car!

12:05 PM  
Blogger DebtSurvivor said...

OMG... I hate them...they're smelly and no, I dont advice you to squash them....yellow things will come out of them...eeeee!!!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Hsiu Pin said...

Eeeeeeeeeeek!! I dunno how you can stand it! I would just DIE if a cockroach run across my fingers when I drive! I can't stand it... they are so creepy looking. I would definitely invest in Rentokil to kill all of it in my car...

3:40 PM  
Blogger fara-k said...


yeah, in fact it's not just the kids who eat in the car..the parents are just as guilty..:p


haha sometimes i get so annoyed i just do exactly that, but with the aid of some tool like the nearest thing i could get hold of.

i know, the feeling of satisfaction when you're spraying the can, it's just gratifying..

11:48 PM  

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