Sunday, February 05, 2006

it's february already?!

wow...feels like i've neglected this blogging scene for quite a while now. it's just that i got carried away with the longgg longg break...and tomorrow, it's back to business. it was a well spent break, with me not doing much, just lazying about and bringing nazim to his Gymboree sessions. oh, did i mention i already have my labor bag ready? yeah, the bag that i'm supposed to bring along with me to the hospital when i go into labor. so what's in that bag? hahahah...(oh no not with the what's in the bag thingy again huh?) anyway, just for the fun of are some things i've put in the bag:

1. a towel
2. maternity pads
3. toiletries
4. under garments
5. a kain batik and a t-shirt
6. newborn diapers
7. newborn change of clothes to go home
8. robe
9. a barut (is that what they call it? the thing we use to wrap around our stomach to give it support? that it doesn't jiggle about because the skin of the stomach will be saggy right after birth..)

anyhow, i still have a month to go with this pregnancy..yeah ONE MORE MONTH!!! oh gosh..i feel that i'm quite ready to give birth already..getting a good sleep is impossible without first having to toss and turn, and shift my pillows around and when i finally do fall asleep, it'll be around 1 or rib cage has been pushed up by the placenta, and sometimes i could feel the center of the rib brushing each other, which is very painful..and getting out of bed is another story! i guess all i can do is just hang on for just a little while....till the baby is ready to come out...and i hope it'll stay there until after nazim's birthday party this saturday!!we've got most of the things ready for nazim's 2nd birthday: party packs, venue, food, cake (ohh he's gonna love his cake!!!)

ok doke then, it's been a longg week..(in a good way), and what a bummer that it's all going to end in just a couple of hours from now. oh well...


Blogger DebtSurvivor said...

Oh wow, is it that time already??? So ure due in a month! Oooh, bet ure excited! Wish u all the best babes. Have a good one! take care! *hugs*

11:47 AM  
Blogger fara-k said...

Yup, it's coming..real soon. right now i am excited, but i think when the time really comes, scared would be more like it..;p

12:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hang in there. Just a lil bit more.
Eh, if u need help before/during/after party let me know ya. Would love to help =)

1:17 AM  
Blogger fara-k said...

Hi Hani,
thanks for the offer. i'll let u know if we tak cukup tangan later. right now, everything seems under control.

10:14 AM  

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