back to reality
we arrived in Perth at night welcomed by a chilly weather. my sister in law and hubby were already waiting for us and drove us back to their place. fortunately for us, there was already nice warm mee kari waiting for us and we wasted no time indeed. we were really hungry. next day was still another fasting day, so we woke up at 3.30 for sahur (subuh was at 4 something!) and ate some more...
Raya day was spent praying the solat Aidilfitri at the King's Park. This was my second experience performing the solat out in the open, with the nature. The first was i think in Janda Baik. Anyway, we could hardly hear the sermon as by then, children swarmed around the park like bees and the distance between the imam and us were just too big for the voice to travel without any loss. so my sister in law and i just hung out for a while, took pictures and said hellos to some of her friends.
After that, the day was filled with house hopping! we went from one house to another, and each house we went, we ate, and ate, and ate...i was quite suprised at how much i could eat, given that the stomach was still accustomed to sahur-time and iftar-time only. the day of course ended with me swearing not to eat the way i ate today, and a worn out pair of legs, body, etc.
the next day, we did our touristy the one below....cruising on our very own rented boat with no one else except us! the guys took turns to be skipper while us girls took in the cool was just like in the movies! heh heh...on the leasurely boat ride checking out canal houses and taking in the cool air..
Other than that...well, nothing much...i have to admit...the facebook buzz has also caught me and that's where i've been hangin out lately. lame isn't it? even friendster seems so ancient now. there's something about facebook features that's just plain simple yet entertaining, not that i bother too much playing around with them. in fact, i just couldn't be bothered and ignored most of the bizarre requests. i just stick to the plain and simple photos, add friends functions, etc..
ok then..see u on the other side..ha ha ha...i'm so lazy to write here...
Oh my god!! You too? I am such a darn facebook addict la Fara!
heh heh heh
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