Monday, October 10, 2005

what's on the menu?

We're on to our 6th day of fasting and all this while (with the exception of yesterday) we've been having rice, rice, rice and rice..for both buka puasa annndd, for a person like my hubby, who likes variation in food, this trend is getting rather boring..(even for me, who love to eat rice). Don't get me wrong, i do make excellent western dishes (i.e. seafood spaghetti, spaghetti bolognese, lasagna, shepard's pie, fish pie, lamb chops, quiches, etc., ) before the Ramadhan on a weekly basis, but somehow, i've gotten lazy to whip up these dishes lately. so, as my hubby was watching a cooking show on the travel and living (guess where he got the bug from? hehe) channel on a sunday morning, he was inspired to have a nice western meal for buka puase. more specifically, he wanted to have Beef Wellington. so, there i go rushing up the stairs to find my 1000 recipies book and there it was! the recipe for it..and he also flipped a few more pages to find what to have for starters. so, he picked tomato soup and mozzarella salad...and he said he'll help me out with the dishes. :)

so, off we went to the pasar besar (wet market, because we thought the local supermarkets' beef were too thin and small for the recipe) in search for the right piece of meat to make this beef wellington..basically, it's just a lump of meat, wrapped around a puff pastry, with some kind of paste in between the meat and the pastry. we finally found the right kind of meat and bought a slightly more than a kilo of it ( i think it's terdeloin) but in malay, they call it daging pejal. it was both our first time at the pasar besar and it's really not that bad...(i thought it would be so unbearable with the wet floor, etc.) but it's i managed to get some other things as well, like crabs, prawns, and two types of fish. gosh, my freezer is bursting out like crazy now!! i better cook them fast before they go bad.

after about an hour slaving in the kitchen with my hubby and i constantly flipping thru the recipes, our meal was ready (we even had time to watch Gol and Gincu) just in time for buka..and once again, i forgot to take out my camera to get a shot at the fruits of our labor. *sigh* but voila!! here is how it kinda looked like...


Blogger nadya.s said...

walaweyy!!!! sedapnya!.

anyway,hope not to late to wish u..welcome to blogspot beybeh!! :)

4:07 PM  
Blogger Zetty said...

wahhhhh....look yummylicious laaa. Minggu depan nak pegi berbuka at ur place la *tak berjemput tu* hahaha...

2:18 PM  
Blogger fara-k said...

Nadya: thanks nad! happy to be here :)

Zet: datang la bile2 ada kat melaka! :)

11:01 AM  

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